the video game industry advanced impressively in the past years The challenge for manufacturers is to make them resistant so that in the excitement of At the moment they do not suffer any fracture that breaks them or damages any of their parts In this chapter we will test a PS Vita in two important parts in the number of times the joystick can be moved before it stops operating and in the resistance to pressure by natural force that is applied in the device when holding it in the hands for this test we will use an Instron fatigue machine We're going to try it after these two tests, we realized that the number of cycles that requires for a joystick to stop working, it's a pretty exaggerated number Since in 15 million cycles moving the joystick up and down PS Vita did not suffer any damage this result tells us that a person never breaks a PS Vita for the emotion of the moment when playing God willing that some want to be served another cospedal d the funeral
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