hello fellow come again to another tutorial in which this go them to teach how change what is a connection hdmi and a plate of precision three so many fans like slim no without before conegliano always go to way of greeting to our subscribers and will remember and that subscribe jce for those that are not subscribed to win for like this can receive all the new notifications of the tutoriales done is remembered as it is commenting go to do a change of connection hdmi this yes a thing that it is necessary to take into account is the following the connections hdmi so much of funk like leslie are not compatible between himself that is to say one connection hdmi of a playstation 3 slim to place it in an impossible sentence a fraterna slim also because they continue terrazzo to the do not know if it sees here in the image but at any rate go to try put here I what it is an image for networks of more than near here we see this is a plate of a slim and see that the row of the pines these pequeñitos laso plough are the row from above is displaced to the left the one of half is rightwards and the last is to the right however the faat will see what is different to of the first is to the right the one of mediación is that the the last rightwards the parade right is that this right and here the to slim like berizzo were of left of hd process lebón toxo already what incide therefore I advise the first before beginning to festa gives this type of work that you check properly which type of connection tns in front of the re when already have once the connection in 3d already to the that was with the work it was first to protect what is the zone that was around or beside what is the connection hdmi why because the tin the welding that has the the plate of playstation so much Greek that it was are free of of promoters that it occurs that they need a much higher temperature to be able to descolgarse then I recommend first to protect the zone do not go him to apply is colour and second what also is advisable went quite well is to take with a poquito of flows this team is to expect is by this type of the that have this a bastoncillo go to apply his in what they are all the by the conteos desoladora and afterwards with him are the work of españa gift justino latisse r solar can do is to apply this year but compló so that so that that so that like this they mix a horcón one with another and like this afterwards to the hour of apply the heat was much simpler to free what is the connection for him it went in in him like direction protect apply light and afterwards fill up with a poquito of Spanish compló cost would remain of the following form now what go to do is to apply the heat apply the heat also it is necessary to comment that this clear to be able to remove this type of pieces is rusia 20 explained will see opposite the one of hot air this is impossible to avoid it with an alone error because has too many points of contact and therefore it would be impossible when we see that already in españa is almost a poquito of brilliant colour as we go to go forcing a poquito with care already we have to it win has cost a poquito but at the end goes out and thanks to what have commented previously so much the protection aluminium eat fill up what are the points greets it with a poquito of l'est year with lead as it has been much easier to take it out classrooms is complicated to is to take into account that these complicated to the hour to extract what is the Latin connection have as now the following what go to do will be to clean all the zone that have left ore with say with the rest of this year because this odd what goes us to prevent afterwards is in putting the new connection inside the that they are the orifices very now we go to hit a poquito of ferguson what sufficed the zone that have heated the connection here and now with the sun alone continued go to ruin again with tin with lead in occident will take the mesh of solar and go to withdraw now all the tin that have put more the one who have remained in the plate now we give him nahuelcar by expected the same applies did not know to see fruits very as in areas and has removed the possible maximum of tin always was be that it remain some pine a poquito noise but well as we do not place the connection on will go a poquito of heat with the actor was hour as with hot air the same basic of style have decided important is when more orifices leave free of better tin because like this it is to go in to much more fragile what is the connection agree well as we came it is brought what is the ancient connection that it is to be here already we have located a perfect been norm always is necessary to take into account that do not have any pin doblador this is very important because have a pin of explore degrees to the hour to place will do it pressure think that have entered in his orifice and does not go to be like this will have bent then go have to withdraw it and do again all the work this is complicated there is that take into account that this is very important never have an end dollar or and always centre them and when we already are entirely sure then tighten well of the first go to apply as always a poquito of früz regret so much of the part from above as of the part of down now as we go to put it found in the part from above and go to head office it that it is the connection this point as it has said is important enara what has done is to collect and when it already had centred all the orifices what have done is to take a poquito the audible of footing say fix it that they are long arms of one of the sides so that so that like this no it sees something bad that it is the connection now we go to apply to see a poquito tin the another side and like this we carry with bouquets the the most dangerous point this goes to decide if we go it to put well now go to by eva then the gun of heat will not be local oricon yesterday to the 15 to the go to go going down the that it is the the collection already the we have them for you to leave that it was a poquito for like this afterwards give him the turn and fill up already as the rest of points with seat well once that have already what is the cold zone as what go to do it is to give him the turn and would respect the protection of aluminium we have now it would be to take the cut and in which a puntada final we go to take and go it to go filling up point by point we clean some police to see if it is all days that there is one that has jointed we separate to that others this have saw other achieved to put at all properly of support and already it is all said have taken out the work and go to resumir a poquito the more important points by thinks that there is sounded this is a repair in a very difficult but is difficult especially in the points that go to stand out one is have to fill up the points of welding with odd with this year I fulfil more than himself and we go it to apply because sony like erich uses of the tin zinc lead and costs a lot of more than remaining me much more expensive in 3d if we do not do this step that go to achieve is to have to give a lot of more temperature and will finish burning what is the plate that is to say to this face bubbles in 3d as the one who already the plate be intermediate this is a point important fill up with tin with lead we apply afterwards yes with the player reiterate it the goals to 1 more important point would be to delete the excess tin of the plate also to and apply fill it up also we with lead and what go to do is to help to delete that the maximum possible always goes us to remain some point built that is to say no we go to achieve will do is it very difficult that this do not remain of free of of this year but well he afterwards when we fix the new piece an if no have any pin bent there of go in them well or do not apply heat with the nozzle or the hot gun the same basic of the thread to cry place then also uncaf orfila piece when valleys push downwards whenever claman have have to keep it straight and with the same heat that already goes to yield or no and afterwards already finally to fill you the points of españa because clearly we have not cleaned them it goes it to be missing españa especially is on the famous fill up and smart also comment you that if no tenés a lot of a lot of experience in this type of repairs and the simplest is that you take plates intergoles com has you fact is that had takes a plate that does not serve to do what is the tutorial in expo wish to do proofs before beginning to ship or was in plates that yes that they work apolo and nara hours and that she think that already is all said as I always say sessa will serve of help tutoriales is adjusted already you know you likes me that it costs us at all already sack no like this will see us very prompt in the next tutorial