hello fellow and of measures again to another tutoriales in which this time go to teach how disassemble completely what is a playstation 3 super sprint also for those people that can interest them that they know that east tutorial also is valid for of to do the basic maintenance to east type of comfort because because so much a thing like the another goes us to carry to the same point to the no places of final that disassemble completely what is the consular said this by at all as we always go to command this cordial greeting to the trolls and joseba is of our channel in youtube and remember those people that are not subscribed that they join us to brake because they benefit of all the new notifications of new headlines that go seeing now from now on to the channel very how was commenting go to disassemble the console and the first that we go to do goes to be place the opi the console afterwards in vertical position leaving the logo of playstation 3 in the top but have the console of this form we will present to this covers is covered for April it is necessary to tighten downwards and glide leftwards this yes if it is the first time that go to open this covers that this country that can be problematic because it goes to be quite hard then also it can give to place that were go some eyelashes interest the you go to súbitamente at all as long as we leave some and intact voucher go to presionar downwards and push leftwards said for example this covers has a two three four five eyelashes broken and those that are in perfect state so that you see what was commenting go to go back to place what is covers it and will see that it does not move to his examination that at all a basic agreement to that they do not have fear by this point are removing covers it and we go back to bother us now when have this has discovered the one who clearly who have new disk as at all have this will encourage that it is a small tournament that found and take out litigates it tray with the disk the oc I complete afterwards it will be to remove these three tournaments that take out to the discovered of head of torque is the typical house that already is using a lot that it is only six tips and in this case is detains the orifice mediates of all ways go to put to that an image so that you see it clearer and like this can achieve this type of destornillador go it to go removing and in one that have removed and stars 3 with them as we go it to centre tail cover was putting washes console in horizontal position we go to centre in covers it of the part from above for this is very alike it will do covered previous go to tighten downwards ideas neither letters and to the left already if we already can take out what is the the layer also can break some eyelash but it is necessary to try always always leave the eyelashes the maximum possible voucher now go with the one of the part of down of the part of down it is a poquito different first in happening now would not know here and go to remove of these two tournaments also arriya will finish with the tournaments néstor and now yes already we can them that go in in covers it of down and in how was saying the taba low a poquito different go to put the hand here more or less in the middle of what is covers it will raise from the b eat mosquito previously the tony dr when we already have raised this corner go to push to the esquerra if of agreement and now give was the following step will be to remove five tournaments of colour silver is that with the punctual or by the head of of cancer star these five tournaments have tried already remove them anteriomente and seem to be that this console as they have tried it and in another place or oral of angol hit by behind had happened them that the five of thread therefore we have had to us go removing to be able to like this follow for the tutorial will resolve all ways go to begin to of this neither arq and finally it is since we went out of the left inferior corner the following in day have removed the five tournaments the following step goes to be give him the turn to the comfort and precisely below we go to find some tapitas of plastic that hide the atony since callamos is to be here that is unfairly basses of the precinto guarantee of mos here removes it to him a blade had foal another black now you go to remove these four tournaments that also are of head crashes it is not that we have removed 43 boys as we already could remove what is covers it of the top had was this branch well once that already and we have removed it what is covers it of the part upper would remain us comforted it feels following form step would be remove him moore is to mount what is the block of the reader how eat also I will check seem to be that this console governed hit very strong because even it is missing him a piece of fan and therefore surely the screws that before could happen it as it is to a step of deal of thread surely would be of this hit or it was that for example if we had to disassemble the fan this tutorial normality but well here already will arrive a poquito later as it is commenting the following to be constituent constituent go to be do the following first go to remove this wire express that it is the smallest of colour white throw upwards but he feels more in the wire of flex of the fair data for this have to first with the nail throw upwards of the eyelash with care of the horror perla the chair could take out what already the wire now with the reader go it to throw to a side and from here from here we go to throw of the fits white that have here below we throw to backwards and like this already we would take out what this whole block in the case of had changes the lens as that know that there is a tutorial where are like changing only what is the lens of the it required between súper gene stop to be followed disassembling in this regard to the solar well following step go to desconectar the wire flex the button of lit also we go to desconectar the the accent feeding would give the wire of the fundamentación of this hook for like this can afterwards take out what is the front already could go out of this neither walk this tournament will see here the we would go back through the beach now that it was of only were used to support to take out what is the source to the invasion of reos such thing went for the following step goes to be demanding now what go to do is to remove what already leave everything is the frame in the intermediate to the intermediate plate of metal for this the first go to remove these are boys of black colour that go to notice a here 8 degrees to find here this corner precisely this that dump but also because it is just at the side of the collection lit and another here well one is side the screws of black colour now go to remove the ones of the tensor of the disipador suns that was here east another dac call to desconectar what are the collections of the antenna wi-fi virtue to be go to happen it loves them of this small banquito verín here and leave it in a side now already we can throw of what is the plate up and attended what is the part of the carcasa of down instrumented now to be able to follow disassembling no they know in what remove this tensor the rest of tournaments of colour silver that remain us we happen that they are in total 123 four screws pigeon splits the orders of the tensor demoremos remove it of the sheet of down carl icahn and would remain us already to the discovered what is the plate have desconectado already all the d'escoles the previous connections as for example that it had forgotten us remove it of the fan already could take out what is the plate have was once arrived to this point as for example we could do it that it is a cleaning of thermal paste so much of the disipador as of the processors stratum gpu like gpu afterwards is also can be could do a cleaning but that expected with interior for example now we go to remove the fan as I have said before pérez lao seemed that it was broken as you know they put here in half another more like this since in which it goes out of what is the one who those that could it change what have remained him backwards is verón shattered the face go to tackle to mount as we go to go a poquito faster the first would be to take put them plastic the said and catchwords as well as the three screws putting the plate this case the polar italia the connections of here attain we put that separate scada put the screws of colour silver that this norm it is signposted always some flexi is can see as nin ace pg date there is one that there is another we follow pretensor is servant place them is the base of plastic first it is necessary to win always the rear part that would put what are the conifers and afterwards the contrary part well happen the wires of the antennas we connect already in passing it feels steps to attach it that it is the one of masters already the chassis and the plate for this they are the tonys of black colour when they found here so much in 125 less connected and want the indicator there were freights January following step to the feels steps go to finish to put what are the connections siones very now go with what is the source of feeding good first pardon to the tensors that the crisis that went us to treat of advance well there like this in we do not go to finish to place those that the wires that us they remain that it is the one who feeds the source to the plate that expects that the arch and the feeding stop this the extreme die same the one who put this like this what it is necessary to have is the tracks gilded to us and have for example the image beisel right now the console like this by the tracks have to look to the others now we go to place what is the source feeding young raisin of the wire by the south and the pescaderas that attached it aretes and already we can connect the wire we go atony sciara source that are the screws or no that have here his haberes to the wires and another are contrary side now go with the sector stops connect store it is necessary to have a poquito cuidar so that no do them to him what it is the cade fresh of the lens for this as this of masters kapisa disturbs a poquito what go to do is when it raises the night a bit and go to look for it to the zone to connect the wire that was the decision we stopped anoeta of wires this perimeter that is the one of the chivato no remain xavi has saved that warns the console when the door opens and by last of transfer of data of crimes we put in citi go down the eyelash well already would touch to put what is the it covers of the top to put the lady of the following forms logo they look to us we are prime this side and afterwards carry it to the place now if we want already we can put the two tournaments of thor that there is here is she will remain subject what is it covers it to it already the following would be to put the five screws of colour silver that have one that another that another kilo here already if we do not go them to run by the following reason that have commented before seems to be that this console it received a so strong hit that has broken the fan has broken nailed them the zones of his management of is descarto neither area therefore if we put the tournament what happens the following does not have where thread to see touch and to put cover them cover them first with álava that already goes by here below vara it feels formal we go to place covers it that it project a poquito of wait the now go to presionar to the employer more rightwards and once that it already was put now we leave to fall it is already sinned because the half is of stick deslizantes and this the here are depression then first it is necessary to go down put and tighten them flourishing this is of puntalmente deslizantes go to place it whenever it remain or die a poquito out of the place in this side and when we see that there is up to now cleared the entes was to put ours the three tournaments of house thor that have this zone 15 it is with the jornal or placed neither to his corresponding tournament and now yes already it would touch to put what is the cup bouquets and of loans already finally us it would touch as it finishes of colar the tournaments in the inferior part that are the ones of black colour the longest is already the tournaments that seemed to put cover them that hide state minería so that that since well -it said- already I think that here already we have arrived at the end we have state like disassembling completely what is a playstation 3 is súper it will credit as I say always I expect that it have liked you the video if really it has served of help has liked you already sabés what tenés that do a likes me and it will do for sacking use give them in will see very soon in the next
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