Scientist david pemberton hopes whales will once again be saved from a life of ocean acidification

Scientist david pemberton hopes whales will once again be saved from a life of ocean acidification

An Australian team says it has isolated a gene that could be responsible for protecting the delicate blue whales of South America.

The gene encodes a protein that changes the chemistry of the water’s electrolyte, allowing the animal to survive more rapidly during h바카라사이트arsh environments.

The team from Queensland University of Technology has found evidence that in an animal that’s been exposed to seawater for many years, the gene has “expressed its full potential”.

An Australian team believes it has found a gene that could potentially be responsible for saving whales

Scientists say that apronxfor the first time, the gene is known to be inherited in both male and female blue whales, in spite of the fact they only mate once.

This is in addition to the fact that two genes called Wnt and Pca were named earlier this year in recognition of the fact the gene is unique to each species.

Scientists hope the findings will lead to studies into whether they can be mod카지노 사이트ified and used to improve the welfare of other marine mammal species.

The research was funded by the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

If found to be affected in the future, blue whales would be an endangered species.

The research has been published in the Journal of Mammalogy.

For more information, see

Topics: animal-welfare, animals, conservation, endangered-and-protected-species, scientific-arts, research, qld, australia

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