Mejorar la refrigeracion de nuestra PS4 Slim

hello and welcome already am back one time more with all you to bring you another new tutorial but first eat always I want to command you the greeting to all the subscribers of the channel also to the subscribers to which eat always I invite to that you join you to the channel and like this receive notifications of the tutoriales leave ask comments etc and clear is neither without forgetting us to command the greeting to ours sponsor mode center well going back to what is the subject of the tutorial in this occasion bring you two parts that is to say it will be a group of the tutoriales this it will be the first part where go to teach to create or do what is one entrance of direct air to what is the fan with what go to improve a quite what is the registración in himself of the console also go to give one explanation for those people that they do not know it or they need information of the why and where sucede this type of problems those that think that the too or it do not like them or they do not need this information by which jump this piece we see us a poquito more advance well in the second tutorial that is to say the second part of what go to do go to teach is to customise or customizar yours console in this case mine because you know that this console that see here it is mine personal that is to say the work goes to create basing in me then very those that have idea of do it and want to throw forward is low yours responsibility we no us we do responsible of at all this yes it that want that you know that this that go to see here works one hundred by one hundred I it does some six months was playing and of repente goes out in the television without signal and of wii and well as already I gave me account that to the that when touching it was garden no it was an atrocity solution what did I was to remove covers it upper and automatically we leave the fan to the discovered that is to say as you can see then here the fan so that it take the air by these rejillas eat you can see and what do not comprise is stops what put then one covers that you are building this the only that it can do is to take yesterday with this canalisation and this ganización when it is it covers it on but what occurs that when the console has a year and half or two this begins to obstruct then this do not know if it is that it is fact aposta or it is that they did not think in his day of what they are doing also I say you that it does long I well read an article on what was the design of the playstation3 easy am speaking of 60 gigas but they did not want to is that it broke the lines for aesthetics of the console therefore they did not want to do an upper entrance because it remembered him to what was a pc one a computer then they wanted always the entrances put them by the sides with the frontal was always by where it can we say to dissemble a bit but what it occurs raisin what is happening and it they carry dragging from the playstation3 fac then what say now can say me what want to but I from I go to do 20 years of experience in the world the bio console and say you that this is more injury say what you say because I do not comprise how in first place do some orifices so small so that afterwards what analyse by the say will arrive us to the half centimetre of what there is between covers it to the sheet and can see that it is entirely covered then no no it I understand I do not understand it here what we go to do as it is to do an orifice of 80 millimetres that goes to remain precisely in this side and afterwards go him to add with what is a rejilla protective that you can have this model and well I as always to me is that me they like a lot the dragons and put them with the Aragonese of all type then it that go to do will be to add a rejilla of security of because in the city of the dragon is too open it is to see that have spaces very big in all this goes to remain of the following form the well that is also the you can use it would remain as of this form it is a finishing quite well quite professional and well in general posture of the dragon afterwards already as more advance what is the second part that would be the personalización go to put ones adhesive here of places is not one surprise and afterwards are thinking of no are if do here a species of harp of dragon with the illumination but basically only in place what are the parts of the sides but well this already it will be of the second part is also I want to stand out an important thing is that what go to see here you east work is technically tested is say is not done in a crazy way have fact test that they have done readings of temperature as already it did by example in the tutorial of the playstation3 fat that with a thermometer of these digital and a probe type k that it is very very precise position readings in direct in the video and saw how it carries to reduce until 10 degrees the temperature then that you know that this it is verídico is authentic there is not neither cheat neither cardboard then here the proof that has done as it remains as you see the entrance has done very simple has place the probe and with covers it put as it marked 68 70 72 usually it was to remove it covers it and automatically they have reduced between 67 degrees then another solution would be if you see that clear is that this tutorial it is not focused for all the world because it is complicated all is one evolution remove covers it if you see that yours console heats too much as you remove me the stage and like this go to reduce enough the clear temperature aesthetically it does not remain very well but it is a solution very that more before beginning the tools or components of accessories that go to use can achieve all through internet ebay amazon aliexpress or simply from the page web of our sponsor very center also the rejilla is as already I say you the of the dragon is basic a poquito more complicated but is without problems the you can achieve also we recommend you that you do you with a broca of crown that is this that you see in the image is very cheap can achieve in any ironmongery or house of bricolaje and say you without this if it you try it goes to remain very bad because no it goes to be a circumference equitativa that is to say equalised it goes to be very deformed then with this does very easy and there are two models it is the small that it is this and the big you have to achieve the big that has the crown of 80 millimetres and afterwards already as a taladro that is or a taladro normal and current and also you we recommend that you achieve a gun of hot silicone or plastic melted that what see in the image that also it goes us to help enough and afterwards the other already are things insignificant like screws or remaches etcetera this already go it to see during the video very as we go to begin already with what it is the work and the first point and one of the most important would be to mark what it is the central point of ours circumference if this do it bad afterwards what is the fan goes to have displaced and it goes to remain very bad aesthetically then this have it very in account because it is very very important to be able to mark what is the point head office there are a lot of tricks a lot of ways and I go to use what is the hot silicone put him a point here afterwards I close it covers it and automatically as it goes to hit or at least goes me to mark where has touched this point that I have put also there are other options you can use masilla of state as it will finish it says here in españa of the that use the boys to do figuritas and such also is a horita the you put here lebron the stage and marks you also the central point very I like me go to put here a point and quickly it closes it covers it and now remove covers it as I already have marked what is the central point [Music] this already have it published now we remove the plastic very as already with our point already marked the following clearly would be remove the hot silicone that I already it I have done of what is the fan and in this side as now we go to do one small fly or perforación so that afterwards when we place the taladro no it displace it do not move you can use a lot of things from a punzón that what it does I go it to heat afterwards of one small perforación a nail also a soldador hot but create I this is the easiest if you do not have a punzón as a nail without burning clear is and now we drill precisely in the centre and of this form as now yes that already it have totally centred well as now we go with the step more the most aggressive stronger that would be in our taladro already with the crown placed and go to begin to do the cycle this yes go to remove first the console because it goes to do a lot of life little by little we go it doing without hastes and already we have it now what go to do will be to remove all the fruit that remains in the circle can do it some blade or with a file [Music] now we go to clean a poquito the bank and now in followed go back very as once already with the bank cleared and clean as we go to test to see if it has remained entirely centred what is the circle of the hole that have done here can see that has remained entirely centred also if we want to as we can see the effect of the rejilla you can see that it has remained very well no we have gone out us of by any of the sides thanks to the broca of crown and in this case the one of dragon as the same 1 so now we go already with the following step that would be to put the rejillas so much intern like external the rejilla internal as it is very very easy we place it whenever it remain as covering what is the circumference and him we go to add four points of silicone hot if we want also as instead of four points put him a cord of silicone will remain better [Music] well as already now we go the following step and practically would be already the end that it would be to add our rejilla in east case of dragon and for this as now it is necessary to do four holes also is all have it very in account that no you it move the rejilla because if no then it goes to remain will be what is the frame of the letters then has to be very very centred and to the equal that before as I go to take the punzón and go to mark the orifices [Music] very as already with the four points marked now touches to taladrar because I go to use what are remaches then is a measure enough small like a broca that go well with the remaches that go to put and taladro well as already we have it now we remove the rebaba with the shaving that remains with a blade not to do it with care do not go to mark what is the carcasa [Music] well as now we take the remaches and a remachadora that have them we place the dragon we go him to remove the console ah and and well as we already have finished what is the entrance of air that have done we go well as it already touches to mount what is covers it but before it put it is a small detail if you put the rejilla internal that is to say the one of here down east cross metal it is necessary to remove it because if it does not touch with the rejilla this it you can do as with a tile of cut neither goes to happen absolutely at all you do not concern you if you want to you can it limar if it is not like this neither they go to see or was does not happen absolutely at all and now yes already we go when placing what is covers it very as already we have it closed and eat you can see the result is enough well it is quite professional and as I have said before this would be the first part of the group that go to be two east that it is devoted to what is the entrance of air and the second that would be already say focused to the customización or personalización of what is the console where go to add lights etcetera etcetera but well already you will see it it is one surprise and well as now already as it remains the of always not to sack as I say you if it liked you the tutorial himself has served of help is to visit us of cellay that no slope absolutely at all and also you can share these tutoriales by the social networks that as I say so much teach like learning is right of all the people so from here you control a cordial greeting and will see us very soon in the next tutorial until prompt [Music] and until the sight baby



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