Como reparar el mecanismo del lector de ps4 Slim

[Music] hello fellow fellow that such are welcome again to another new tutorial this time go to teach to repair what it is the mechanism of eyección that is to say the that absorbs and expels the disk of ours playstation 4 corner first as I do not want to greet to ours educational sponsor also to all the others so many opositores are the subscribers those that visit us by cities also invite you to that you you join subscribing to the channel and like this can receive notifications of the tutoriales leave comments ask which would be loved of answer well going back to the subject what is the tutorial as I say go to teach how repair the mechanism of election this this problem is used to to arise on all when the console received a big hit when falling to the floor or even if have small boys home as all know that it is very common that they enter objects by what is the opening of the disk or even varied disks at the same time therefore sucede this type of problem or do not go to show more or less to what refer me we go to take the console light and for the moment we can see that it has gone up very museum now we go to take a disk 'before playstation 3 at least to do the proof voucher go to enter it and will see what they do not leave us that if what is the disk as basically this console of a customer and the size to repair neither code it has received a big hit even can come here to the marks the image but have the quite ugly marks the corner what has sucedido as this that the mechanism was desencajar therefore I go to teach them how repair the well we go to remove the current or the voltage and now as I also want to comment them a thing no that at least for me is a like that for the first time sony has created a console medianamente good especially to the hour to have to repair the why because it is very simple have class of to what is the electoral block now it has done it know along the tutorial I say that it is very very simple practically the upper stage prison and afterwards go you to choose to one or another screw and duties that is very simple so we go us to begin first removing what is covers it upper it covers it upper if it is the first time that are can not spend enough strong quite hard therefore no have fear does not happen at all social house eolo with care do not go to break the that it is the stage but say can be the case that it was quite strong like this that at all go them to teach more or less as perhaps we will see we will leave the letters of sony ps 4 in the left side and go to take this corner and go to throw upwards afterwards we go to go to the contrary corner and also we throw upwards and afterwards already finally the centre and like this will see what goes out easily good as I say this console of a customer because this already the manipulated therefore I the screws that see here there is some that they do not coincide but well I practically go them to teach which is vice to criticise that first go to remove the ones of star that go to have three a few to withdraw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 moment with a beautiful removed the screws of star now go to remove these three that they are of head of bull detox are of the number 89 and can use it without problems even the day but the 10 that go a poquito big and can be that it protects but well the correct measures the tea 8 and the 9 east that have the image it is a think that you moves also it is necessary to say that it is the head of bull him toux drill that is to say that have success in the case that it do not have this tool you can use what is a destornillador flat and can it enter the gap and if you can choose a pair of corners of saint jorge a poquito of luck can be that I go to remove of 503 and now already we can remove this sheet metallic is we leave to a side and now already finally to facilitate a poquito more the factions sheet go to remove east is also are of star but these are a bit longer his already with all these tournaments removed as now it is very simple go to raise a poquito this piece that is the source feeding it does fault that here have a poquito that this was the place now already we could remove loan to have the that it is the block of constituent and now it that will do will be to bale out what is the top of the block that for this we have to remove these two screws of head crashes and the following step as it would be to take with the same outside we do here we raise a poquito if we have to all the source feeding raise and already we have it it was arrived to this point now go you to appoint which reasons because it could fail our mechanism of election in the first place we go to check what it is the mechanism of the top that they are these pieces of plastic stops check if we say efforts these two pieces of black plastic works properly it is so simple like taking by surprise aims if we look to backwards and we will see how they work properly afterwards the another mechanism would be what is the central axis or the man to see if it works properly if we touch here we will see how it is blocked but if we throw upwards here we arrive until here we see how it has raised then this is that it works properly right now we had it desencajado like escort and right now see that no it is in the place to place it only we have to do we go up this upwards dump in half we go down and we can it does lacking the following would be the piece side want here to know if it is properly placed as it is simple if have the rollers noises as usually the piece see how strike the rollers and if it is low we will see how the piece does not arrive a bit more thorough on saying that be him the piece does his function by bad rolls always they have to be up and afterwards already finally the last causante that it could ocasionar this type to form already the rollers especially because they are very fragile are very endebles and this piece that have here in half sometimes loose of hit it jumps then the rollers are not we say joined because this say does the strength motriz that is to say that if him it costs stone happen promotion and this piece do not have it properly placed as it can be that it failed and it well already finally we want the failure that purportedly affects to this problem it is the console that is here see that it has desencajado has gone out of the place this piece had to go will see here it looks for an abertura are just passing by we work until it do a click and now have flower see like this and this would be as the solution for this concrete problem nabai has commented the possible cases that affected this mechanism of election we go to go back to mount it that it is the console the first would be to take what is the top of the reader we go to enter it of this form we will leave the two boards of the pieces of plastic looking to us will see here like plastics and that goes by the part of up the same that in this side and in this we have to fall it will fit perfectly and now yes that we can not put the screws that attach the top of the reader now now as we go to place it sheet metallic that as have the source feeding a poquito raised as it was simply by here leave it now if we want already we can go down the that it is the source and well as now it touches to place first the metallic sheet we will follow with the third tournament of toks sector now the four screws of the source feeding that are a poquito more long of the normal and now already by last as we go to put the rest of screws I do not go to placed all the hornillos it would be missing to put what is covers it the layer as if have what is the frontal to us the letters and that is already looking to we so we go to induce first the rear part and already have mounted by a beautiful mounted by complete what is the console already only it would touch to go back to test to see if really we have solved the problem we do not choose we know the console we will take the disk that have used before and we go to enter will see it that no longer does any noise took the disk perfectly and expels it properly so I think that with this already is all now already touches to say see it always it did not like us the tutorial subsidio or help already is or is not the air me it likes that it costs us be knowledgeable and with these small details can be here day after day with all you also remember you and share by the social networks these tutoriales because as I say so much teach how learn is right of all so no they sign a cordial greeting and will see us very soon in the next tour until prompt [Music] until the sight baby dee

