The World Ends With You Final Remix előzetes – Nintendo Switch

A NEW DAY 7 NAPOD VAN – Please! "What kind of idiot would you buy this one?" "Scramble" "This day was so weird" – Do you feel a little noise? Do you want me to get rid of it ?! Hurry up! We have no time! Join me! Please! – Oh, okay – You said she was at the store And then

Listen to me I'm yelling! Grrrh Come on, I can not sit idle here! I know! Calm down! It may be good if you have a dream for a man, something that is back to you I do not know what it is Not really Hm? Do not tell me you have not noticed Neku yet

This does not seem to be confident, partner Hehe "even if it is a slut" I have to do it From October 12 in stores!



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