Business lobby opposes tax rise to fix health care

Business lobby opposes tax rise to fix health care

Lawmakers plan health care overhaul

House passes tax reform

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed an overhaul of the American health care system that would include free community college for Americans, a single-payer health care system and a ban on the “corporate welfare” of health insurers.

Sanders, who is challenging Hillary Clinton in the primary, said Thursday that “the solution is not the tax increase we’ve seen in this country.”

“The solution is raising the minimum wage,” Sanders said in an 샌즈 카지노interview with The Hill published Thursday. 우리 카지노“It’s not working.

“It is costing us more and more. In my opinion, we have to do something that will increase the economic security and health care security of a large number of Americans,” he said.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) speaks to reporters near his Senate office in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 15, 2017. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images) More

The United States could need a higher minimum wage to support a universal health care system Sanders said is “unworkable” in Vermont, a state that employs just 12,000 people but is a leader on the U.S. health care agenda.

The Vermont senator wants to spend more on research and development of prescription drug treatments, pay for public housing for veterans and fund education reform by raising taxes on high-income earners, among other measures.

“There is huge money sitting in special interests, there 호 게임is huge money in the private pharmaceutical companies. That’s where they want it, because they can make much more profit with that money than they would have been if they paid taxes,” Sanders said in the interview.

Sanders has promised a free college education for all American students, a $15 minimum wage and to pay for social services with higher taxes on the wealthy.

The United States does not have a universal health care system and Sanders wants to double the federal government’s budget — perhaps by expanding the size of the military and cutting foreign aid.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan are considering Ryan’s budget proposal, released late last month, which would spend $500 billion in total on the next decade to address entitlement spending — including funding for free community college for every American, single-payer health care, higher taxes on the wealthy and additional spending on Medicare for seniors.

But many Senate Democrats, including the leadership’s top brass, support a comprehensive overhaul of the natio

