Go home english portugal takes to streets after terrorist attack to protest UK decision to exit European Union

Go home english portugal takes to streets after terrorist attack to protest UK decision to exit European Union

A police operation has been launched in Lisbon after a bomb blast was found in a bag in a rubbish dump.

A bomb specialist seized the device at a busy public market, in the heart of the city, while the country’s foreign ministry is providing security.

Officers went into the market to carry out a controlled explosion. A police car was pulled away with the bomb inside, but the weapon was later turned over to the national police force, which is investigating.

Police officers (c) check the site of a bomb in the trash bin of the public market. Police officers (c) check the site of a bomb in the trash bin of the public market.

A car in the area, parked in front of a food market at Lisbon’s Nueva Portaleirao district, was also evacuated, with the vehicle then found to contain the bomb.

One eyewitness told AFP: “This is a very important site in the center of Lisb양산출장마사지on, it’s important for people. It’s our community that’s being affected by this bombing, and it’s the people who are asking for security.”

In February there were no reports of any major incidents involving terror attacks involving bombs.

Police say the bomb is of the same style as devices that exploded at Brussels’ and in the Paris area.

Brasilia’s foreign minister earlier tol홀덤d state broadcaster Efe he believed the bombs were produced by the same terrorist organisation that carried out last year’s바카라 게임 attacks in the French capital.

He urged the world to “courage” his fellow citizens who “remain in good humour”.

Authorities, meanwhile, say they are ready to tackle any threats emanating from France.



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