but he the one who each ten minutes to all already I am here of turn once again with all you to which as always it commanded this cordial greeting especially to the suscritores and followed of the channel also I want to invite to the people that are interested to join to this family as that doubt it in the affaire the because they benefit of all the new information and new notifications of new tutoriales also how no without forget us demand greet him to ours sponsor that added people the one who is one of the greater specialists in the world of the game console that in españa well as this tutorial that rather no it can him call tutoriales on all is a something more resembled a bin formative go it to devote to look for or of a problem that is very grave his role and more than it is arising now in the playstation 3 super slim is not that it was new already carries a time what occurs it is that now it is doing very common then is a problem as it has said very grave and is a problem that clear is only has an only solution as only of the informative when it is necessary to repair this type of poem only have is of the only option to do a revã link that it occurs with the reb to the already said patient previously in others neither god is a quite complicated process then rare when there are casinos raven as we have to have a pile of accessories afterwards also we have to found one very expensive machinery have to have a lot of experience in front of the sauce and no it is near at hand of any person and a sinfín of then the videos tutoriales are more practical in cinemas possible so that they can arrive to those that more better people is that acaso only it can arrive to a group very reduced therefore this of the informative but anyway eat dibós go to inform very well because this will come you especially perfect stops when have kida still without being technician or that at least have closing for this type of problem like this I go you to information of which is the causante why occurs of possible you solve prices is the one of the sober in all this and then all this information or friends goes to come very very because like this when of nike and carry them going down technical absence by less already you will have a base of game to continuation go you to teach how it shows this type of problem a symptom as you can see here have a playstation 3 or breslin astengo connected to the light to the re celéstica button of lit red press we will lose as entirely it turns off but then surely it is a problem of of the sel of the consequent processor it goes to be disassemble what is the plate base of the console this process go it to do was cameras for like this can lighten or what is a poquito the tutorial since he never do it one that his rival and this comports a lot of information down then if have some doubt there is not any problem because here up the corner upper right goes to rain a symbol of information if you press of the centre baix against of the tutorial where a lot how disassemble procures done this type of machines so the nasa in how said go to disassemble the plate and now inside moment are not time one of they disassembled completely is not lean of the until playstation 3 a pressing had to have ours plates and very the image very now I before beginning with the rival process and to be able to repair it go to comment why it occurs this cuales cause that and that possible solutions can in flight this occurs and comes of very backwards me I denied the first playstation 3 slim will be haarde of 60 gigas and asón and tubes or problems of sobrecalentamiento has tried improve as the breath that is to say until the days of today has it achieved because these of the rs x is say the graphic that it is usually where was always problems and this it is the centre saves as it occurs anyway it has hammered of the problem of in rs x that laboraba is failing since as I say on all the faz of 60 40 80 the 120 250 600 one thousand 360 c3 withdraw all usually simple failed in kim jong a problem in the ere estimates the appointment concurren 22 am and has not improved request now it fails to the that can do in east case as what can do is how had then solve them to them possible in the rest of the herd the problem of this mobile an impulse anarchy in singles in the zoom a lot more delicate that the three clear and with the respective then we say that the rest what we have backed therefore we gave east tutorial is achieving informative that francisco to comparison of the with the previous models could do them the cántaros s5 sinners by the hot air like this from the centre to backwards we had a percentage very height to be able to recover what is the machine in this case god commented if it can it will try seor but what occurs that we can do it is more one is kenyon then it is better that the universa a technician and his prose the rivals eat god commands and like this ccoo of dissolution it that it is the problem because she or if vos and fans resolved are here him heat of time what does is to damage what is he the processor then at all more said this as I think that no sees us the at all now go to happen to what is the machine of ruth and to stand out what they use the one of the sel and 2 and in the process of the revalidating go to do without explanation because really it is they do it these goods in the channel in remove mentioned how do them is a professional very graphic of the same cycle and like this as also especially suns ones did matinal in the concentration because they go to be this team of work needs reply season love to happen to machine owe then this gesture of the rival carajo thor the the 2 carajo 2 dr the dyn in min in in the Monday in ap end I do not know it fillón in l anyway have the turn end end min efe it is what have min end in the examination nieminen dyn 1 end in the s in in end in the m 91 anyway end no in in min ap more end efe in them in min in in asia min have rather years timoneles anyway end but in them end in l in firm end end anyway bean in no end in the Monday end no end very well as already once mounted what it is the consul now go to test at all more the wire of feeding and the thing real already have at all I think that with this already go to go finalising what is the tutorial and as I say always wanted living being to help tutorial ses has liked this measure no cellay that no slope us only at all and with those small details can follow day to day with you and will not do tandem share these tutoriales by the networks social because as I say so much the gentleman not learning is a right of all so at all a greeting and us we will see very with everything in the next tutorial until prompt the