Is hardware based AA from mCable right for PC gamers on a budget?

what if I told you we could offload SMA a onto hardware rather than software okay to give yourself a little bit of overhead all right what do you think I mean just see how you're doing this all right well one study these two images I brought up a shadow of the Tomb Raider it is all running off of our pink build that we did live a number of months ago and is literally the the clone of each other except for one of them has a hardware best based SMA a the other one has no a wear so but this is all running off of a rising 3d you yep can can you tell the can you tell the difference it's pretty pretty slight I'm seeing a little bit here and what looks like some kind of rafters or something don't you study the the edges the yeah jaggies maybe like on the the star here yeah I mean you can see a little bit I mean it's not here but yeah you can definitely see it on the star so we're looking at a cloned image so I a certain seems like a certain angle so you see it right here so there's like some wood that's been nailed into the cross the window but you can see it's pretty pronounced here I'm here you're getting major stair-step so do you think this this could be a good way to give yourself a little bit of overhead on a budget system it depends on how much this cost I mean this is a hardware solution so I'm guessing this external you're doing something to the HDMI stream you want to look at another game yeah maybe a different game alright so we booted up pub G aka player unknown to battlegrounds gordon's kind of going over the the details what are you seeing so we're running 720 basically everything low because you need higher frame do we even turned off vsync major jaggies are on the hands I mean it's slightly better around the arms not that much so I think it's very slight here and but one of the I think what I find is a lot of a it's sort of sometimes you hit some angles and it's more effective the question is are you gonna play a game looking at the screen like that if it doesn't really improve it that much then I don't know how much I would pay for whatever this hardware solution is I don't even know what it is well let me introduce you to got it right here Maher says M cable I don't she check it out this is the the gaming edition I got to chat with them at e3 and I'm just barely now going around to testing out so this is promising a hardware based SMA and also you know a little bit of grain control some chromatic aberration yeah well I was kind of warning because on Tomb Raider earlier there the grain seems slightly different to me I couldn't quite nail it so yeah all the hardware all the rendering is actually based in the the HDMI itself which we have plugged in to the monitor on the right and it does require a USB plug to plug in for power and they do say lack lag-free which is interesting which I you know I've I've watched some other people's videos and they say yeah they're not seeing a ton of leg really be introduced so the the real kicker here is the price so this is the the 3 foot version in a clocks in at 120 with a 6 foot version clocking it at 150 yeah I gotta say yeah the for 150 to 120 you're looking at getting me a bigger GP or my first GPU I'm not seeing the the pronounced image quality improvement that you're seeing in the back of that box I think it's probably there in certain situations but if you're playing pub GE are you gonna stop to admire it and I again my issue is I I would rather have a fatter GPU out or they have more frame rates I'd rather have higher resolution and I'd rather have better textures I mean we're we've got things cranked down so low here the textures are just horrible maybe it's just this just too much too much to for the car for that to fill in in real time i I'm kind of warning if there's certain situations where it may shine a lot more than this maybe we're almost aiming too low like what would this look like with a 580 at say borderline 1080 you turn off a would it help so we switched over to try a little some different Gordon tell us what we did so we thought maybe we aimed a little too low with that apu although very realistic circumstances and we took main gears incredibly epic f 131 machine which yes i'm still got to review that baby as an 18 core core i9 in it and to 1080 x and sli custom water loop and everything we turn off sli and we also are just running this trying to simulate a lower in graphics card we are running at 720p everything very low in fact as far as I can tell everything the same as what we did on the rising apu but we are seeing a very pronounced difference whereas earlier you really had to just stop and look and to see the difference is I'm seeing it everywhere in pub G now you could immediately tell the difference on this setup but on the AP we couldn't tell and I'm I'm at a loss to explain why but I'll say you can just start tell just looking at the shoulder the aliasing is improved over over where it's just jaggies on the without this you know special cable you can definitely tell the difference it's real it's not it's not kind of one of those you have to to stop and look for the difference and I gotta say it is it's impressive to do that real time AAA in hardware but I'm at a little bit I will say I'm a little bit of a loss to explain when you're gonna use this in a practical application on the PC I'm not I'm not sure you would ever get to the point where you wouldn't want to take your 120 dollars two hundred and fifty dollars and just buy the next step up graphics card it definitely does look better but you know if you had say a 960 you know gtx 960 would you buy one of these hdmi cables instead of going out and yeah you know saving a little more and buying a ten sixty or ten seven and ten seventy where the parts are I got to say I'm you really got to think carefully we should probably do some more testing Muncie I'm surprised yeah why the the radion didn't work as well as the yeah I'm a g-force but we what we really need to do is put a very low-end graphics card again maybe a little bit more of a step up from the APU but just to see but it's not made up it does work can you justify it not so sure think carefully but it definitely does work so you know hey it's actually kind of cool

