Family association wants violent play stopped

Family association wants violent play stopped

The South Dakota Department of Natural Resources is calling on players from the UniversSM 카지노ity of Wyoming and UNLV to join with the North Dakota chapter of the United States National Hockey League and the International Ice Hockey Federation to address concerns about dangerous and unsanctioned playing in the state.

A DNR report cited last summer from the U of A said playing with minors was common in the state but called out the city of Redding for allowing it on an unpermitted hockey pitch.

In December 2016, the city agreed to put the fields under guard on unpermitted fields. It remains on the property for now.

The DNR also reported that the city’s board of commissioners approved o진주출장안마ne of those fields this June and another in the near future.

“Playing at a game where children and adults are going to be hurt is unacceptable and is not what we want in South Dakota. T울산안마his is an example of how the City of Redding’s involvement is more about trying to get the game off the field rather than looking at other solutions.

“We hope UNLV and Wyoming come together and come together to find some kind of action or some kind of action that would prevent the type of play on this and other fields.”

DNR officials say if UNLV and Wyoming don’t work out a compromise, the DNR plans to investigate.

Read more of our interview with the DNR’s chief executive officer, Dan Sullivan:

South Dakota’s Wild West? It has a name.

Wild West: The place where wild men and women ran free, then met their end

Read the stories, videos and photos from our Wild West series:



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