hey guys welcome back without going into all of the details I've had to basically reupload my video because somebody well I mean actually one of my subscribers didn't like the fact that I had used a 10 second clip from his video just showing a USB fan in action now because I used his clip he didn't like that and you know instead of trying to discuss it with me trying to come to some agreement even though I had mentioned his name in the video description even though I had given him credit you know I thought was okay but clearly he's very upset with this and instead of another I come to some agreement with me he's reported me to YouTube and and you know he's got a strike on my channel so so yeah so that's how things are rolling these days so I mean forget the authorities trying to like you know shut down youtubers and everything else we now have other people you know a subscribers we now have subscribers trying to shut down your channel because because of what because you used a 10 second clip from the video but anyway I mean I don't unlike put this on a negative and I don't to mention his name because I don't wanna bring him more attention I mean if that's what he wants to do then fair enough but I mean I have tried to contact him or sent him emails I've left in comments on his videos just saying you know can we please come to some agreement I'm happy to delete your portion of my video but please can you retract that copyright strike because you know if I get three of those and that's my channel gone but he'd he does him won't answer those emails we saw what happened to Kevin port is his channel last week where he caught three strikes and that was his channel gone but what happened after that the community got together you know we reached out to him we try to help him and within 24 hours or so his channel was back so that's what I thought you know being a community was all about looking out for each other supporting each other moving forward as a team but clearly other people have other ideas but I mean I don't know too much more into it now but sauce happened that's the way is and let me just apologize once again for reupload in this video but there was nothing else I could do hey tech doctor what's the best way I can supercharge my Android box and make it run as fast and cool as possible well in this video today I'll be showing you my top tips on how you can get the best possible performance from your Android box so it all of that being said let's get okay so I'm doing all of my tweaks on my Android box which is the Android MX 10 but you can also apply these tweaks on any other Android box but also the official Android TV boxes like the show me me box or the Nvidia shield so let me just say right off the bat guys I would say probably the number one reason for a box performing slow is to do with RAM or to do with RAM management now what this means is how many things are running in the background and how much RAM your device has to be able to run and manage those things at the same time so one of the first things you can do which is going to be the first tip is to uninstall any program or app that you're not currently using so the way we do that is if you go over to your settings go into your applications and we can see guys all the applications that you have installed anything that you're not using just uninstall it so for example I'm not using this app let's click on that now click on full stop click on OK and click on uninstall so the full stop just ensures that if it is running in the background it will be terminated first then you can uninstall it cleanly so not only have you gained some space back on your device if that particular application had some processes running in the background and installing that would obviously remove that as well so this will definitely help out your device perform better let's remove this one here click on uninstall click on OK that's now also gone because we know with certain applications they do receive notification so I love them do have some background processes which they leave running to receive those notifications but again if we uninstall them they'll prevent that happening ok so that's the first tip ok so I mentioned RAM management so one of the things that Apple has been doing really well for a very long time is they just don't allow many applications to run in the background obviously the core Apple apps you can run any third-party application you trying to store on your you know on your iPhone or your iPad it just can't run in the background because apple just don't allow it and this is one of the key reasons why I believe right up to i phone 6 the devices or those phones only had one gig of ram which just sounds like solo but those devices only had one gig of ram just because because it really heard the memory management under control where boy we just don't allow things to run in the background now compare that to android phones they've had like you know two gig full gig I think some funds even come out now with like 8 gig ram just because the disc on seem to manage the memory as well as iPhones so this is one of the reasons why and referrals tend to have more RAM than iPhones just because on Android is a bit more like the Wild West in terms of what kerning in the background or his iPhones are a lot more strict and a lot more lockdown and they limit what kind of things can run in the background now the reason why I told you this all back story is the fact that we can actually apply it tweak on our Android devices to limit how many things can run in the background so the session gonna be two tips in one and the way we do that is we have to enable the developer options so on your Android phone or your Android box we go over to settings again and go over to about so we need to enable the developer options because this one the hidden settings in there and the way we do that is if we go down into build where it says your build number and if you take care about seven or eight times so one two three she even tells you no I see your four clicks or four steps from being a developer so keep clicking array we're now a developer so what this basically means is we've now unlocked those hidden developer options and the way we access those if you back out of this so we can now see in the standard settings we have developer options lets us open that up so there are quite a lot of cool things in here that you can play about with but you can actually really mess up your device so unless you know what you're doing I advise you not to play with these settings except once I'm gonna tell you to play with so if you scroll down so the first thing we're looking for is animation so Android to make yourself look a bit nice and pretty it has different animation settings which are these things here so you got the animation scale for the windows for transitions and animation the animated duration scale so this basically means you know how slowly to animate something so when you're transitioning between applications when you're minimizing things when you're reopening things how slowly should I do that so it can look quite nice but if you're after maximum performance you want to turn these three things off because basically saying is I don't want to see the animation I want to see it go nicely up and nasty down just take me back to my application or to ever I was doing so the way we do that is just click on this first and select off open the next one and let's select off and open the last one and select animation off so once again which is saying we don't care about means we don't have a super-powerful box we just want to make it run as fast as possible and these three settings here will definitely make it do that and this is the other key thing here guys so if you scroll down we're now looking for background process limit so this is basically saying on an operating system level how many background processes can run at the same time in the background so as I previously mentioned if you do have lot of applications installed and running in the background that can definitely slow down your device especially if you only have one or two gig ram you really are putting a lot of strain on your device so one of the things you can do here is is limit how many of those background processes can run at the same time so it's click on that now see what the option of saying standard limit which is a default so you got no background processes so our definite recommend don't do this one because you're basically saying nothing and running in the background and if we did this on a cell phone you could potentially just you know crush your device I definitely don't do that I personally think having four things running the background is is okay it's not too much it's not too less I think with this you should be able to run most of the things you want to do especially on an Android box so you could be running your VPN in the background maybe one of your apks and you know have to space with two more things so so you can try with this first and if you really think this is too many things running in the background you can maybe go down to three I personally wouldn't go down to two or one because I think that's just gonna mess up your device but you know if you really have like a super cheap device maybe you could try to but I think four or three should make a massive difference compared to like what you had before so let me just leave for for now now one of the other key things to mention here is on certain devices you can set this thing now but if you do actually reboot your device this may go back to the standard limit so if so if you do reboot your device definitely go back in here and make sure it's still set to at the most four processes so we've turned off all the animations and we set the background process limit to four okay let's back out off that okay so next up we have ventilation so as with pretty much all devices once you start getting too hot it can cause problems so but for example on a fire stake when it does get to a certain temperature the device our she restarts and on Android box is having the device running too hot for a long time you will also get crushes maybe your device will regularly restore and this could also affect the lifespan of your device so we definitely want to keep voice running as cool as possible so a small quick hack we can do is we can buy a small USB fan from Amazon or from eBay literally for like five or ten dollars place is underneath your device and this will keep your device running cool most under boxes at least have one or two USB ports so you can actually plug it in it doesn't need any extra power and this will allow your device to keep cool while you're using it okay so the last tip as we know the Google Play Store will look at your device and then based on your device it will show you which applications you can install and which applications you can't install so because of that you may be limited in what you can install on your Android box now one way to get around that is to use a different application store so the applications that I'm going to show you in this video is called aptoide TV now the way we get that is if you open up a browser like puffin TV or Chrome open up a browser and just search for aptoide TV now we can see it's the first link in the results let's click on that now this will take you to the official upload TV web site and we can then click on the orange download button which will download the apk to your device let's do that now I wake see that begins the download okay let's now click on the downloaded apk and click on install okay let's open that up and as you can just see hey guys we have access to thousands of thousands of applications all from a trusted source that we can install on our device with one click with no limitations and that's all for this video guys many thanks for watching so many fewer asking for tips on how to improve your Android box performance so I do hope you like this one let me know and I'll hopefully catch up with you guys real soon thanks thanks again for watching guys oh and if you're interested in a VPN if you click on that link on the bottom left you'll get a great 46 percent discount if you are worried about your privacy and you want to say safe online I do recommend you check our VPN thanks again guys see you on the next one