welcome to my nvidia shield TV and today we're going to do part 3 of tips and tricks things we're going to take a look at our task manager update for a peek a mirror set orientation some secret settings that nvidia has buried for some reason and our main focus is going to be on the capabilities of the gamepad and the secrets it holds so what we're going to do is we're going to go into our home screen launcher first and it's going to open up into nova launcher i'm going to change the background here to make it a little more visible there we go there we go you can see these apps right here's the ones we're going to focus on now what I'm going to do is I'm going to put down my wired mouse as you can see here and I want to switch over to the gamepad as you can see I'm using the right analog to move the pointer I will use the right trigger to select you can also use the a button to select or you can use the analog itself right analog itself by clicking down it also selects so you effectively have a mount and your gamepad now one of the biggest problems with it is that it's too fast it's hard to select things well I found the secret settings here shield controller let's select that and down at the bottom we can see it says pointer speed it also has a virtual mouse here if you want to turn it off you can also turn it off and you can see that it treats mouse as touch so it would only work in programs that are made for touch it won't work on lean back launcher applications sorry but it will work on anything that was designed for touch so let's change the pointer speed here say okay I'll go back let's check it out oh wow that's too slow let's go back in select it let's speed it up see how that is oh that's nice that's perfect so let's test it and see oh wow you can open up my drawer here see I pull down yeah I can open that and let's try floating apps it's open up floating at let's go back and yeah there you go if you guys want a little quicker obviously calm down make it a little quicker as you can see but now any app that was designed for touch you don't need a mouse you have your controller what I suggest is if you're going to use it this way you change the keyboard to talk type so you go into accessibility here I have it set up in here you can see keyboard show up and you would switch it to talk type that way you can use your voice type out the word so be very fast as soon as you select it much faster than typing and you have a mouse built into your gamepad or you can just leave it with the Leanback launcher keyboard I find that much easier now there's two ways to access it the first one is through nova launcher the second is through your side drawer here so let's do it to the Sarge or first as you can see i have it set up there so let's select one of these let's switch it up it'll actually the one at the top right here I want to say change with another app and then I'm going to hit shortcuts widgets doesn't work here sorry you're going to hit nova activities no of activities will open up now you're going to scroll all the way down now if you don't have a mouse this is going to take a while with the gamepad but that's okay you only have to do it once you're going to scroll down to shield gamepad shield controller oh here we go past it there it is shield controller we're going to select it come down and you're going to see the white symbol the white controller there there you go as you can see here it is set up there you can open it up now to get it on here you just go to widgets go to activities you're going to hold it drag it to your desktop here and there's activities again so that's how you get the shield controller to change the speed or turn it off I found two more interesting settings I call it floating settings obviously that's not the name that's the one I gave it gave to it so let's open it up as you can see shield developer options shield platform and nala sizer let's open it up and here this is what it looks like I'm going to launch all the monitors so this is just a real-time information what's going on with your shield now you're probably asking why in god's name would I would I be interested in this well if you're a junkie like me who cares about everything every detail about the shield I'm gonna put the cpu and GPU what's going on with them I'm going to put the thermal to see how hot the shield is getting while I'm playing games and fooling around put it up here with it and then the last one is display which is frames per second which everybody's always interested in I want to make it the same size as the other ones there we go I was also latency time you can also change the way these look you have the color and this is transparency here let's put it back to 40 now if you hit the back button this will disappear your own button it will stay up so I'm going to leave it there for the rest of the video so you guys can check out what the shield is doing while you're running let's go back into home and the same process as before guys to add it to hear roll it down say change appt go into your shortcuts go into activities but this time you're going to scroll down to settings so let's go to settings here here's settings right here now you're going to scroll down to developer options there's going to be three of them there they are one two three you're going to select the middle one the env2 felt development activity I'm going to select that and then there you go it's one of these ones here can't remember which one well let's select it there it is can change the name in here which is kind of frustrating but you can also add it to your desktop here just go into widgets activities set it down loads up scroll down to settings again you're probably saying why is he doing it again I don't know just showing it here's developer selected there it is right there at least now you can change the name of it so you can name it whatever you want I've switched the keyboard to swiftkey because with the mouse it's very easy to type I'm going to call it floating information there it is now controller settings so I'm going to open up floating apps go back I'm gonna go select image viewer here just so we can get a picture of the controller I'm going to zoom it in so what we're going to take a look at here is this strip here is the volume strip now if you tap it it will pause and play a video so let's take a look how that works this is the mobile you youtube it just has more functions that's why I choose it has notifications go to my channel here now before we continue I want to do a shout-out guys who inspired me yeah if Stephen was a great channel I sighs Cody another great channel and super del TV now guys I want you to check them out they have great content they do it right great people and I want to thank them for helping me out so check them out guys subscribe to them so let's go back and continue let's pick a video let's do this quickly here we go let's pick Mad Max here now when it's plain as you can see i'm going to hit them just going to tap it you see it pauses tap it again it please tap it again it pauses so that's just a quick one there guys probably most of you probably knew about it let's open it up so now you have these three buttons down here obviously the home button if you hold it down it opens up the recording now if you open this up the recording and it doesn't record and says insufficient space you're going to have to go into your hard drive and create a movies folder and you're going to have to name it movies so that the game recording folder will be created in there as soon as you record you can also switch the two buttons and I like switching it because when I'm playing a game I find myself hitting the back button by mistake a lot it's very frustrating and that was just sit right on the home screen here and shield accessories you click on the controller here and it's just swap start home button I know we'll swap those two now the last one that I have here for you guys is the back button if you hold it down I'll open up the power options there you go which is kind of frustrating I don't understand why they need to put a power off inside their very very strange the way they did that if you want to power off guys you're gonna have to go to a boat and in there will have power off that concludes my my tips and tricks for the controller now we're going to take a look at some task managers I have two that I use we're going to take a look at this task manager that was modified but someone from XDA for the Leanback launcher as you can see as soon as I hit kill here these things should disappear also I should close floating apps as well so let's hit kill there you go it disappeared and floating apps doesn't open anymore and you that's the memory available right there so let's go home try the other one this is the one I like I prefer kill background apps as you can see the stats are up here percentage let's select it there you go freed up some memory there the highest i've seen is around 17 and that was after restarting it you can close it like that so let's take a look at said orientation and all it does is force landscape so you'd set it up just select landscape say okay and it will force landscape on any app okay in the last two apps we're going to take a look at is gamepad games so someone made an app designed to find all android games that are made for your gamepad so you hit it browse and you see at the top where it says show all select it and here you go see how you have nvidia shield so let's select that so you got one page of 20 21 so you just scroll down look for the one you want let's see air attack HD 299 or obviously not going to go to the google play when you select it you'll have your your apps that you install always try aptoide first and there you go it's available in aptoide and then you would install it so let's go home and let's check ap came here there was an update about a week week and a half ago around there so it's just like the website guys exactly the same you can see april twenty twentieth now the only things i changed here in settings was show exit button navigation and use external download app so that means when you install something you're going to have a little box that pops up and you can be able to choose which app you want to download and you can it just once or always and here's that exit button now i will leave a link for all the apps in the description now that concludes tips and tricks part 3 hope you guys enjoyed it please subscribe hit the bell so you can get new videos once i upload them will hit the like button leave a comment and i'll get back to you as soon as i can try to share the video well that concludes it thank you so much for watching and take care you