Marvel’s Spider-Man – E3 2018 Showcase Demo Video | PS4

[MUSIC PLAYING] YURI: The Raft is secure, but I can't reach them over radio Their comms must be down

What's your status? SPIDER-MAN: Already here Yuri, I thought you said it was secure YURI: It was Let's go Maybe it's not as bad as it looks

SPIDER-MAN: I love the optimism, but in my experience when it looks bad, it's usually worse Look out! Yuri! YURI: I'm slipping SPIDER-MAN: Gotcha Hold on You okay? YURI: Yeah

ELECTRO: Welcome to the party Just in time for the fireworks PRISONER: Looks like we made parole, boys SPIDER-MAN: Electro? Why is he letting everyone out? YURI: I'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation is SPIDER-MAN: Got it

I'll go join the party Everyone just quietly go back in your cells and lock the door behind you Okay? Please PRISONER: I'm gonna get you, Spider Teach you to mess with me

Get him down here SPIDER-MAN: Incoming Like fish in a barrel INTERCOM ANNOUNCEMENT: Catastrophic event detected SPIDER-MAN: That doesn't sound good

Oh, hi, Rhino RHINO: Hope you like surprise, Spider SPIDER-MAN: Surprise, what is he talking about? YURI: Hey What's your status? SPIDER-MAN: Me? Just trapped in a prison with every criminal I've put away in the last eight years No biggie

YURI: Electro must be working for someone [LAUGHTER] SCORPION: This is too good to be true SPIDER-MAN: Scorpion, can you hold on a minute I was in the middle of a phone call, and it was business PRISONER: Charge him

Don't let up YURI: Lost you for a second there You okay? SPIDER-MAN: Not really Electro, Rhino, and now Scorpion are all on the loose What's going on in the rest of the prison? YURI: Camera system's almost up

I'll give you a rep soon SPIDER-MAN: Okay I'll keep tracking Electro Whoa ELECTRO: Come on, Spider-Man

I thought this was a chase SPIDER-MAN: Gotta stop this guy If you tell me who you're working for, I'll go easy on you ELECTRO: You can't stop it, but I'm flattered that you still tried SPIDER-MAN: Nobody ever takes me up on that offer

Gotcha Vulture? VULTURE: Long time, no see We're going to have so much — Ugh SPIDER-MAN: Sorry No time to talk

VULTURE: Still with me, huh? YURI: Okay I got the security cameras back online SPIDER-MAN: How does it look? YURI: Well, it looks like the entire population of the Raft has escaped That makes five of your worst enemies that are now on the loose SPIDER-MAN: For a second there I thought you were serious

YURI: I am serious I have to go Some of them are heading into the city SPIDER-MAN: This is nuts ELECTRO: Keep chasing

Party's almost over SPIDER-MAN: Electro, stop! ELECTRO: How do you like my new suit? SPIDER-MAN: Dashing Where you get it? ELECTRO: It's an exclusive club [MUSIC PLAYING] MISTER NEGATIVE: Remember, he said not to kill him SPIDER-MAN: Good idea

In fact, we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to RHINO: We definitely want to [SCREAMING] SPIDER-MAN: Wait, you?

