Top 5 des jeux Nintendo 3DS ( également compatible avec la Nintendo 2DS )

Hi everyone the top gamers and today top gaming will present you the top 5 best games 3DS so we have no time to lose we start right away with whoever will come to the fifth position In fifth position comes super mario 3d land on nintendo 3ds there is no multiplayer mode in this super mario 3d land Which is a shame but it's a very good 3d platformer there are altogether 16 worlds 8 normal worlds and 8 bonus worlds And so here In fourth position In fourth place comes a game I already did in let's play on MA Gaming now become bug gaming mario sports superstars so why I put it in fourth position because there is a multiplayer But that's the problem to access of course the mode multiplayer you have to have each a cartridge so we'll have to play so we can have up to 6 six copies of the game if you want to play up to 6 players in addition to playing super six players available only in the riding mode in the football and tennis mode plays up to 2 and the baseball we play until 2 So here is the third position Well, this is the famous mario kart seven the problem is we can play up 8 with a single game cartridge but the big problem is that if you play multiplayer with only one game cartridge And well the other players are forced to take maskass and that's not fun at all because there's not necessarily everyone who likes to take maskass normally in mario kart ds if you play up to 2 with a single cartridge the other player is forced to take maskass and that's and that's really mierda In second position In second place comes mario & sonic at the olympics of rio 2016 still a game that I tested in let's play on my gaming now become bug gaming mario & sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games it's a very very good game but the problem is that when we know that that's when you play mario sports superstars that you stay as mario sports superstars In mario sports superstars and in mario sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games In both games uh two game modes there is football in mario sports superstars you normally accelerate with the button r while here no no here you accelerate with the button l is here you accelerate with the button r so really but it's a very very good day can play in multi players with a single game cartridge and it's really very fun the adventure mode was very tiring to shoot anyway since I had to cut a lot of things in I had to cut the last part Of the game in four videos otherwise it would be an hour of filming it was ultra tiring more than at that time I was not allowed to turn over 15

so if I think I was allowed to shoot more than 15 minutes but Good at the same time if I turn 1 hour That's when the shoot was still tiring filming videos It was tiring so I had to take a year break to do the 20th video where I showed all the sports I had not done it was very good this shoot of this let's play I had a great time so here we go What comes in first position here so nario party island tour it's the best game of the 3ds where I find Because we can play up to 4 with a single game cartridge and what is really Great There are many modes there are seven board games but the problem is that to play a game board called the maskass game table it is necessary to be at least three players and the problem is ben I have only two 3ds and I do not have a third a fellow who could play at the maskass game table so that's why I never did it finally if I wanted to make it a let's play but when I realized that I could not play at the maskass game table because I had forgotten I had forgotten this little dysfunction I decided not to make the team the mario party island tour did not come claim me I do not but that's still the best game of the 3ds so here I say thank you to all of you for watching this video is on this I tell you to the next See you bye

