Playstation VR Sony

Want to know which product is right for you? Come and I will help you! Like the games on PS4 is already an experience Incredible, eh? Imagine then, do it inside the game, in virtual reality! That's what the Playstation VR does! But before you know it, it subscribes to my channel There are a lot of new stuff like this

So, folks, to get you inside the games, the kit comes with virtual reality glasses of 57 "with OLED screen, which together with the camera with double lens takes you inside the games Look, people, you can see the scenery as you wish, just shaking your head It's like being part of the game The feeling is unique

In fact, for everything to become even more real the sound is also 3D So you can feel if a character is far from you or approaching, for example Too bad, right? Oh, there are also PlayStation Move controls that help you better explore this new world They are lightweight, comfortable and super easy to use And the cool thing is that the kit already brings the game VR Worlds, to everyone have fun and see in practice how this virtual technology works

The game brings different adventures from one another: from futuristic sports to a trip in the deep ocean But logical that several other games can take you to the world of virtual reality; as, for example: weight franchises such as Resident Evil and Gran Turismo Gee, just imagine facing the Baker Family like that I'm out! Guys, what a set of weight, right? Not to mention that it is complete I asked the editor to do a 360 Β° for you to see all the items

Look, I love it! Enjoy it too and go there on my YouTube channel to see other content like this and also stay inside of unboxings, tutorials, comparatives and more! I'll wait for you there, huh !?



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