Hello! Finally, I with Losysha became the happy owners of PS4 pro And I must say that it's going on sale which is hell
I was planning to buy another for the New Year and Christmas holidays, but they were not anywhere in the middle of December Almost three months it was possible to observe how major retailers were mountains PS4 Slim and the remnants of the original PS4 PS4 Pro sold out everywhere They began to appear even conspiracy theories that is preparing to release a new revision, but it is only a rumor And in the wake of questionable deficit shops selling imported versions then inflated the price to 50 thousand rubles
Though of course you can order from Europe, that in general it would come out cheaper But move on to the console Making boxes is quite familiar Promotion code for a temporary free access to a catalog of films and TV series Okko Nice attempt Okko, but no
Promo code is the same on all boxes the same and I argue that you can enter it only in the Okko application for playstation and nowhere else Please note the audit For PS4 pro now it 7000ya series I recall that the first revision of the original PS4 were 1000, 1100, was followed by an updated version of 1200ya, well, Slim version already has an audit in 2000 The latter figure – region
8 – version is version Rostest for Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia Please consider this if you are going to buy the console from dubious sources If you have a warranty case, the case is not Rostest version you will have to make a complaint not to by Sony, and to the very store where purchased Well, the problem with the playback of Blu-Ray movies from the difference in the region may be, unless of course you see them For the rest, there is no difference
The letters A and B can mean the hard disk capacity A – 500GB, B – 1 TB But the Pro version with 500 GB fortunately not On the opposite side of a huge picture "Call of Duty" obviously embodies the quintessence of the entire gaming industry We proceed to unpack
Inside another denser box A complete set of painfully familiar A bit of waste paper Same as before miserable mono headset to connect to the gamepad Way to connect the headset to the console PS4 going horror
If you happen to have some sort of fashionable gaming headset for PC and choose to connect it to the console, there is a chance that you roll up his lip Compatibility with third-party headsets simply disgusting If a USB headset, it is absolutely not the fact that it generally will work, though now with the updates the situation is improving And in the case with a Bluetooth headset, it can correctly identify and connect, but maybe not If your headset has a third-party wireless receiver to the USB port, it is possible to start working with him, and perhaps not
If the wire USB headset has a remote control, for example, to adjust the volume and turn what that mode, then it is unlikely to work With a virtual 3D sound in the headphones other than Sony, too, all difficult to branded headsets A good way one can eg Sony Platinum Wireless Headset
However, here a pitfall to the vaunted 3D sound to work, you still have to wire them to connect to the console and to upload special presets individually for each game As said, what that's going to hell Why not make the open support any third-party Bluetooth headsets and keyboards? Due to security issues? While nothing prevents you to use a headset with a conventional analog output While nothing prevents you to use a headset with a conventional analog output In the controller connector for regular four-pin mini jack as in a conventional phone
And if your two sets of three pin mini jack, you can look here a special adapter But let's say a full-time pop ayfonovskuyu headset Apple EarPods I would still not The fact is that in the world there are now two standards of different connector contact order Although again there are adapters But I digress
Next on the wire Power cable Immediately noticeable that finally changed the connector If you look at the standards, we can guess that the maximum power consumption of the console has become so much more Yes, the way it is, if extreme 1200 revision consumes a maximum of 230 watts, while the new Slim and even 165, this ribbed monster eats all 310
Yes, and the wire became thicker as you can see Although as before not too long It is not clear however, why did not make the standard ground pin in the middle, but it's nitpicking MicroUSB cable connecting the gamepad, as in previous versions pleases their durability and long And most about him have nothing to say
HDMI cable And here I would like to elaborate The fact that there is an error, that the HDMI cable is not absolutely important Come down, and any Chinese for 200 rubles and will work just fine Usually the way it is, but things are not so simple
Firstly, in addition to themselves HDMI ports in the devices have the version of the same wires and are designed for a certain speed According to the specifications of HDMI cables are divided into: standart, high speed, their variations with additional Ethernet contacts and premium cable In addition to the cables may be specified by HDMI 20 certification and resolution 4K Now imagine – continuous transmission of video in 4K at 60 fps – that's pretty serious data requiring high speed
Actually Sony itself in the official FAQ write that if you require a longer cable is advised to purchase a Premium cable Another thing is that since the original PS4 I am very disappointed in their regular HDMI cables I've been thinking that I had no problems until I decided to buy another longer, this one I will not name brand Then immediately noticed that those fps to 60, which shows the console before, and some were not smooth with the picture that became
In addition there are a lot of feedback that some users of cable ha were not available some graphical modes including the same notorious HDR And the problem arose precisely with this standard cable included Potestit, but I do not think that will be their constant use You just compare the thickness While on the other hand does not necessarily run to buy some sort of Monster Cable 6 thousand
Rub We turn to the gamepad You can immediately see that change the color of the cross keys, Shift, sticks and some other elements They began to feel more and more rubberized tactile I hope sticks stronger than steel, although the old gamepad I personally break them failed
Minus the surface sticks to the touch remained the same convex and slippery And, ideally, as before would be good to buy special covers Notorious luminous band, which all have heard, and which is now also here Perhaps where it is also useful to indicate the inclusion of a gamepad or change weapons in the game, in which it supported Basically a large light strip used during the game is not particularly visible, and there is no time to be honest to look at it
The role it has one – to track Playstation gamepad camera position in space But then again, you know a lot of games where it is implemented? Before the release of VR games, I only knew Playroom which is essentially a demonstration of the possibilities Additional charging connector and an input for standard headsets or headphones, which I have already mentioned On the reverse side we see that the capacity of the battery are the same 800mah Quite a few
And that's what I thought Imagine a situation you want to buy a second game pad, which is a new version Well, you never know why Looking at the retail or online store is difficult to understand, this is an old or a new gamepad But to change the color of this button does not have to guess
Now find new gamepads in any color other than black on sale is still quite difficult As a rule, the majority of those that are colorful likely unsold remnants of the old version Here can help the revision number on the reverse side Old had at the end of the digit "1", the new number "2" But if it is possible to twist it in your hands before you buy or if the store is indicated in the description (which is rare)
And finally a look at the console itself Certainly, almost all are able to evaluate the design As you can see, "Blackstar burger" out of the ordinary has become a double But do not misunderstand, I did not think PS4 original reference design, and so it is even more so But for black boxes, which most zapihnet somewhere down under the TV, quite amiss
The console has become larger in all respects In width by 20 millimeters in length and 22 in height by 2 The console has become almost a pound heavier It's easy to feel taking her hand And mind you, it is heavier Slim version more than a kilogram, and weighs 3 kilos 300 grams
Housing completely made of black matte plastic, not counting the gloss between the ribs Glowing longitudinal band moved to the front The latest revisions of the original PS4 Sony has moved from the touch buttons to mechanical, and here is no exception Among other things, are spaced on either side of the button Now to confuse them lot of hard work
Drive blur disk remains the same, and say nothing about it, except that in the PR wave 4K, this is the drive does not support Ultra HD Blu-ray disks with 4K films Oddly enough, Sony The narrow gap where the USB ports still can interfere with thick stick stick Ports the same USB 31 first generation with a maximum transfer rate of 5 gigabits per second
But now there is a third socket on the back and is useful primarily to owners of VR helmet It may be able to at least a little to hide this terrible bunch of wires The HDMI port is now version 20 instead of 14 as before
In principle, and version 14 allows you to transmit 4K picture, but a maximum of 30 fps So ideally, HDMI port on your 4K TV which you will stick cable from the console must also be version 20 with support for HDCP 22
Otherwise, you will not be available some graphics modes And by the way, you know what else I'd rather jack here to see? The second HDMI port, and now explain why Owners and PS VR HDR TVs certainly have appreciated the problem that when connecting the TV via a graphical block PS VR becomes available HDR And there are two solutions: either to buy a special HDMI splitter with support for HDR signal bandwidth, or every time peretykat wires, what little pleasure Then we plug for Playstation camera
Digital optical output S / PDIF By the way, if you choose to buy Pro or Slim, and you have a need to output sound from the console to tell the receiver or soundbar is on the door, then keep in mind in the Slim version of the connector is not at all Ethernet connector, which would still be preferable than wi-fi Although there is finally added support for 80211 AU wi-fi
I once bought the original when the PS4, with more surprised to learn that it does not support wi-fi network in the 5 GHz band But still, I do not think that the speed of downloading games will greatly increase honestly All because of the redundancy of the channel The only life hacking here – that translate the console in sleep mode while maintaining an internet connection, this is the case, if you need to download something that is very three-dimensional In this case, your internet channel should be used to the fullest
And if you do not know, but now there is just a mega convenient way to transfer all your content one console to another Just connect their ethernet cable Although, if we were talking about the migration from one console to another, then re-download the game – not much of a problem, unless of course there are no problems with traffic and speed As for the saves, if you are a subscriber Playstation Plus, you can upload them to the cloud, and then import or upload to a USB flash drive It is possible to throw important screenshots and videos
Note the plastic cover here under the sticker Open the cover, unscrew the single screw and bracket with hard drive in your hands Replace the hard drive has become a mega comfortable You can put more capacious say 2 TB or SSD and make the system load and play just lightning That's your business
Especially that the console finally began to support SATA III But keep in mind that does not fit any hard drive Form Factor limited to 25 "inches and a height of not more than 95 mm
By the way the hard drive is probably the weakest link in the console It is worth all the same with the rotation speed of 5400 rev / min Well, it's not serious, Sony But in the update 450 Sony promises a long-awaited support for external USB hard drives, so that the problem of space can now be even easier to resolve
In general, with regard to filling, then Sony has not made any revolution Inside the familiar albeit improved nuclear AMD Jaguar 8 with the frequency is not 16, and 21 GHz But on the graphics to work hard, computational units has increased twice and now they are 36, and the frequency is increased
As for RAM, here the same 8Gb GDDR5, but again increased frequency But if the original PS4 has carried additional 256 MB of DDR3, it added in Proshka have a gigabyte, says Sony itself for the needs of the operating system Let's see those already included By the way I do not know you know it or not, but with the release of PS4 Pro got a very unpleasant situation Some users have found that the console does not work with their TV and shows only a black screen
Sony long resisted and valyl blame on the TV manufacturers Those, in turn, cut down on the Sony Sony later offered to these users download the console in Safe mode and change the HDCP version 22 to 14
But this solution is not very good, because the game working in 4K will only work in Full HD Nevertheless firmware updates TV gradually began to come out But I do not know all there is now solved this problem As you can see, the interface looks exactly the same There are new graphics modes associated with 4K
And for you to understand, RGB mode provides better color reproduction, but the HDR you have with him is unlikely to work But it will be with this I therefore recommend that the graphics mode to put in "Auto" If the game does not support HDR – will be selected RGB mode, if supported, the other with support for HDR And if the game is only in 1080p, this mode all the more of his choosing
Let's look at an example "of Uncharted 4", for which we all paid Impressive though this is an amateur Who then can be jaw-dropping, and someone with 720p difference will not notice With regard to noise and overheating, you can search for detailed tests of noise and temperature under load But from my own experience that the console is not louder and hotter last revision in 1200 PS4 and definitely quieter and cooler 1100 audit
Of course some noise there, and you can feel the temperature but melt the console you just will not work Only if you are not married or malfunction The main thing is to ensure normal ventilation for cooling It must be sucked in and blown out unimpeded To sum up, it is not necessary to be carried out on these marketing things about HDR and 4K
Firstly the importance of HDR is very exaggerated Not all picture is getting better, and at times and even some scenes are too dark And in the original PS4 us all the promised HDR In addition, if you want to record gameplay and begin to stream, then anyone you show your HDR can not, only if you do not find what that particular capture device Among other things, there are a lot of complaints from the players talking about that with HDR enabled them highly increases Input lag As for the 4K, that Sony itself has not yet adjusted to it too
Get at least a Blu-ray drive can not read 4K movie discs And those who have 4K displays – it's too small sector players to rely solely on them Full HD, I'm sure, will be important for many years Though I must pay tribute to Sony, this whole PR 4K – step just mega genius TV manufacturers have now just lined up with suitcases of money to the Sony office, because they have created a great demand for 4K TVs
Now 4K TVs have become at least for something needed But in spite of all the power, not all games can afford to 4K Someone makes an upscale, someone uses the tricky dynamic resolution, who is a native 4K displays, and someone and even native 4K at 60 fps But it certainly is not AAA projects And these advertising slogans: "Watch YouTube and Netflix in 4K" – streaming video due to its compression – not the best source of 4K, to say the least
But buying a console, even for the sake of the same 1080p on your TV, you will be surprised what: increased frame rate, improved effects, antialiasing, shadows, etc (of course in those games where everything is implemented) With regard to the main question: to buy or not, there is no single answer You have to understand that this is not a PC, which improved stuffing and graphics have become better and increased fps Manufacturers have to release a patch for the game that she began to use all the resources of the new console
And I only wanted to say that "otherwise you will not see any difference", as Sony went and were pleased with the news, that update 450 will boost mode Boost Mode allows you to obtain an increase fps and overall smoother image, even in old games and have not received the patch for the PS4 pro And by the way the patches themselves are reluctant to leave, and this is understandable Igrodely busy with their future projects Отсюда можно сделать вывод что PS4 pro – в первую очередь консоль для будущих проектов, хотя с обновлением 4
50 появилась весомая мотивация задуматься Оцените какие игры вы предпочитаете Хотя если вы ярый фанат PlayStation, то рано или поздно вы все равно на нее перейдете Вы же понимаете как будут развиваться события, просадки fps в играх на старой консоли будут все больше, текстурки все размытие Ни о каком жизненном цикле консоли в 7 лет теперь и речи быть не может Да и думаю это и не последнее улучшение четвёртого поколения консоли
Пока на данный момент, это самая мощная консоль Хотя с выходом Xbox Project Scorpio Microsoft обещает уделать плойку, и скорее всего так оно и будет Но надо понимать, что консоль сама по себе всего лишь куча железа Именно игры продают консоли И та платформа которая предложит больше интересных игровых эксклюзивов – ту и будут покупать
Я же пожалуй включу капитана очевидность и скажу: если у вас есть деньги и желание – покупайте консоль, если нет – то нет Лосяша например говорит, что он бы подождал консоль в белом цвете Лайк если понравилось и не забывайте подписываться на канал Good luck!